

Serbia’s invitation inspired by Belgrade in connection with the exhibition Urban Shape in the Icelandic Museum of Design by Paolo Gianfrancesco will be on Friday May 10, 2019, at. 20–22.

Jelena Ciric leads guests on the history of Belgrade and Serbia with singing and musical performances along with Margrét Árnadóttir on accordion, from the days of the Ottoman Empire to the present day. Guests are also invited to fly around the show under the guidance of Paolo Gianfrancesco, a Serbian small-cap grower.

Guest of Honor: Jelena Ciric, musician and songwriter born in Serbia, grew up in Canada and lived in several parts of the world before settling in Iceland in 2016.

Companion: Margrét Arnardóttir on accordion.

Catering: Andrea Stojanovic, Chef and Vice Chairman of Serbian Cultural Center in Iceland.

Party Manager: Hlín Helga Guðlaugsdóttir, one of the exhibition’s curators.

Guided tour of the exhibition: Paolo Gianfrancesco, architect and author of the National Citizenship.

Admission: 3500 kr.

Maximum number of guests is 40.

Concerts and light refreshments.

Tickets for the invitation can be obtained at midi.is

The event is part of a series of events and lectures hosted by the museum in connection with the exhibition The National Landscapes. During the exhibition, six selected cities will be made high-end with astonishing events. There, the Reykjavík residents of foreign origin will share their stories and discuss the city of their country of origin through food, music and more. The first stop was Rome and now we go to Belgrade!

April 26 Rome

May 10 Belgrade

June 7 New York

August Denver *

September 6, Warsaw

October 4, closing party Reykjavík

* Date announced later