

We offer a three day workshop for children aged 9-12 during winter break on February 20th, 21st and 22nd from 13-15.

To secure a spot, registration and payment of 3000 kr for material cost are required on

Participants receive a model of a house and are assigned to design and create the interior for an imaginary resident taking into account their personality and needs. Participants are introduced to a different design method in each class. To complete the house and take it home it’s important to attend all three classes.

The aim is to encourage creativity, engaging in hands-on thinking, exploring possibilities, learning about scale and model making and to experience what being a designer can involve. Designers Auður Ösp Guðmundsdóttir and Kristín María Sigþórsdóttir originally developed the course for elementary school visits at the Design Museum, which have proven to be very popular.