

Paradigm is a travelling exhibition featuring contemporary craft artists from Norway.

Paradigm is an exhibition curated by the independent curator and artist Lars Sture and consists of works by 18 Norwegian artists working in glass, ceramics and metals.

The exhibition includes works by some of the most outstanding Norwegian artists in these fields, and the works have been carefully selected in a close dialog between the curator and the artists.

Paradigm demonstrates the artists’ unique ability to combine craft traditions with new concepts that imbues the works with a character of high quality and innovation. And it is a common thread to all of the artworks that they have come to life through a process of thorough research.

Paradigm seeks to generate discussions about the various techniques and materials represented in the exhibition, as well as the artistic concepts embodied in the artworks.

The concept of ‘paradigm’ in this context denotes the solution to a problem – more precisely, a solution that is accepted as a model for solving similar problems, and consequently regarded as normative. The word ‘paradigm’ is perhaps best known in the sense of ‘paradigm shift’, when what has gone before is replaced by something new and different.

Paradigm first opened in Zagreb in May 2011 where the exhibition was officially opened by Her Majesty the Queen Sonja. Since then the exhibition has been shown in Nuuk (Greenland), Budapest and Paris, Brussels, Kilkenny, Bratislava and Yeoju.


Participating artists:
Ulla-Mari Brantenberg, glass
David & Linnéa Calder, metal and jewellery
Tulla Elieson, ceramic
Jens Erland, ceramic/mixed
Sidsel Hanum, ceramic
Karen Klim, glass
Vidar Koksvik, glass
Liv Midbøe, ceramic
Irene Nordli, ceramic
Ruta Pakarklyte, ceramic
Tovelise Røkke-Olsen, ceramic
Heidi Sand, metal and jewellery
Leif Stangeby-Nielsen, metal
Marit Tingleff, ceramic
Svein Thingnes, ceramic
Gunnar Thorsen, ceramic
Pål Vigeland, metal

Paradigm is produced by The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts, and funded and initiated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway.

The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts hope that the exhibition Paradigm will help to bring about new friendships and cooperation throughout the wprld during the years to come.