

The most adventurous apartment complex in Garðabær has just been created by 4th graders in Garðbær. Now the tiny residents are moving in together on Pallurinn a small exhibition space at the Museum of Design and Applied Art.

The students created the apartments in a workshop connected to the exhibition At Home in the Design Museum. Encouraged to think with their hands and creativity, they put themselves in the shoes of designers and with inventiveness and recycling approach, they created a home for a diverse group of individuals with varied backgrounds. Among others, dancers and astronauts, bakers and entertainers, all of whom have in common to live with an adventurous group of pets and collect variety of oddities.

The curators of the exhibition as well as creators and teachers of the workshop are the designers Auður Ösp Guðmundsdóttir and Kristín María Sigþórsdóttir.